The 50th Anniversary of the Gyoseishoshi
Lawyer System in Japan

IssueThe 50th Anniversary of the Gyoseishoshi
Lawyer System in Japan
First DayFebruary 22 , 2001
Value80 yen
Quantity10,000,000 copies
DesignChinese characters meaning "Gyoseishoshi"
and a personal computer
Size24.5 x 51.0 mm, vertical
PrintingPhotogravure in 6 colors
Sheet10 stamps ( 5 x 2 )
DesignTamaki Akira ( public service designer )
Catalog No.C1795
First Day of
Issue Postmark
Tokyo Central Post Office

Japanese Stamp Specialized Catalog (JSCA) & SAKURA Catalog numbers are adopted.

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(Small Notes for the issue)

The Gyoseishoshi (administrative scrivener) is a legal functionary who drafts, on behalf of the public, documents that are to be submitted to a government and other public offices and documents that evidence rights and duties or facts. The law for the Gyoseishoshi Lawyer System became effective on and after 22 February 1951.